Part of our mission as a company is maintaining a commitment to being a net giver to the city of Chicago and the technology community. This commitment has led to the launch of the Immersive Learning Lab Mission, the #UnlockingInnovation podcast, the Chicago HoloLens Meetup Group, and providing exposure to emerging technology to college students. Each of these initiatives work towards the goal of building and supporting a community around innovation and technology-- increasing awareness, knowledge, and equity in our city.
In order to expand access to emerging technology for youth, EX3 Labs has their Immersive Learning Lab Mission which provides learning labs in schools containing virtual and mixed reality headsets, tablets for teachers and a wide variety of learning expeditions. This kind of learning has been proven to increase engagement with material, retention of information, and interest in subject matter.
These devices will help bring the world to our students. Having students immerse themselves in an environment...will provide much richer learning experiences. This donation is a great step towards increasing opportunity and access for all our students."Jaclyn Delaney, Principal, Daniel Boone Elementary School
Immersive learning labs provide technology to students that allow them to explore over 900 virtual reality field trips on topics such as history, geography, biology, art, and math. This offers these students the opportunity to access a vast array of knowledge at the touch of their fingertips, never having to leave their classroom.
We love working with partners who have a shared passion for the community.
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